R. L. Mark & Company Ltd. News2019-01-17T19:21:11+00:00

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Data Security Mistakes Small Businesses Need to Avoid

Is your company doing all it can to protect itself against cyberthreats? Here are some of the most common data security mistakes made by small businesses. Relying on outdated technology – Time doesn’t stand still when it comes to technology. No matter how effective a piece [...]

By |January 17th, 2018|Categories: Newsletter, Organisational Health, Solutions|Tags: , |0 Comments

Charitable Initiatives: How Giving Back Benefits Your Business

Here are some of the ways charitable initiatives are a win-win proposition, and your company will benefit from getting involved. Increase employee morale – Corporate giving increases engagement within employees, as people are likely to respect leaders who actively try to make positive changes in [...]

By |December 12th, 2017|Categories: Newsletter, Organisational Health|Tags: |0 Comments

Streamline Business Processes by Automating Document Workflows

In the so-called ‘Digital Age,’ it’s remarkable to think that so many businesses are still utilizing manual, redundant tasks in their operations. This is particularly curious when it comes to the continued use of paper documents in workflows. While documents remain an integral part of [...]

By |December 12th, 2017|Categories: DM, Newsletter, Solutions|Tags: |0 Comments

How to Track and Measure Employee Productivity

There is a fine line between measuring employee productivity and micromanaging your staff. Here are some less meddlesome ways to track and measure employee productivity without negatively impacting team morale. Measure performance, not time. There’s no shortage of time tracking software available today that enables [...]

By |December 12th, 2017|Categories: Newsletter, Organisational Health|Tags: |0 Comments