Corporate culture is a major incentive to employee longevity and efficiency. As young people are increasingly entering the job force with a sustainable mindset, it is crucial to understand what kind of culture they are looking to work in. Going green in the office does not just improve employee engagement and attract employees who will be more likely to stay with the company long term. It will also benefit businesses financially.

If it’s time for your company to revamp its culture, consider the following ways to help your organization go green.

Reduce energy and paper consumption
Energy and paper are huge expenditures for the average company and take a toll on the environment. They may seem like two small aspects of your operation, but by taking the initiative to save energy and paper you can reduce your carbon footprint. To lower these consumptions, consider using compact florescent light bulbs, optimizing the energy settings on computers and office technology devices, using ENERGY STAR-certified equipment, adjusting the office thermostat, reusing shipping materials, and utilizing paper products that are made from recycled materials.

Embrace recycling
This environmentally-friendly initiative is super simple to do in the office. Studies show that people are more engaged in recycling programs when opportunities are present more frequently, so place some clearly-marked recycling bins throughout the office. Not only will employees feel pleased that they are doing their part, but it can also help your staff become more aware of how much paper and plastic is wasted every day. This will lead to less of a burden to landfills and a greener office.

Encourage sustainable transportation
Getting to and from work every day is both stressful to employees and harmful to the environment. Address both of these issues by providing incentives to employees to carpool, telecommute, use public transportation, and even ride their bicycles to work. Not only does this help reduce your company’s carbon footprint, but it also creates a more team-orientated work environment for your employees.

Going green is not just a movement for your home life. By embracing sustainable measures at work, companies can provide positive environments for employees and a corporate culture that entices staff members to stay long term. Contact R.L. Mark today to learn how to embrace a greener office.