In our last two blogs posts, we’ve been discussing how to ease the transition to managed services. With a focus on gaining understanding of the process and building a relationship of mutual trust, we’ve highlighted some ways for your company to make a smooth transition to managed services.

Making the Transition

  • Understand Your Service Agreement
  • Understand Your Current Situation
  • Communicate Your Business Goals
  • Define Your Weaknesses
  • Clearly Define Procedures and Expectations
  • Explain Your Company’s Culture
  • Build on Trust
  • Invest in the Future

Your managed services provider can help your company offload IT headaches so you can focus on your core business goals and strategic initiatives. Once you’ve evaluated the benefits and thought about how to make the switch, it pays to take a second look at when and why managed services is a good idea.

When Managed Services is a Great Idea

Do these scenarios sounds familiar?

  • Time constraints. There are only so many hours in the day. Your IT infrastructure has become too big to handle in-house, or you’re finding it difficult to provide 24/7 monitoring within your organisation. You’re also allocating a lot of resources to training and hiring new staff in an effort to retain the skill set needed to keep up with IT changes.
  • Complex new technologies. Keeping up with changes has become difficult, and your equipment becomes outdated too quickly. You’re finding it difficult to leverage new technologies and juggle business responsibilities at the same time. Dealing with multiple services providers has made things even more confusing.
  • Ever-increasing IT expenses. Tying up capital in equipment is draining your IT budget. Unexpected expenses, software upgrades, and consulting fees to keep up with rapidly changing technologies are cutting into revenues.

If any of these situations sound familiar, it’s time to give managed services a try. With the professionals at R. L. Mark & Company on your team, the transition time can be exciting and profitable for your company. Contact us today to learn more!