To ensure that your future hires align with your company culture, consider taking the following steps.

1. Define Company Culture. The first step is to fully understand and define your unique culture by taking a hard look at your company’s values, standards, beliefs, and behaviors. Delineating what’s unique about how your company functions at the onset will help you determine the best—and worst—candidates for the job.

2. Relay Cultural Cues in Company Collateral. Print and digital materials should openly reflect aspects of your company culture. Job listings should specifically outline your values and provide overt clues to your company’s culture, as to decrease the number of incompatible matches and draw the most suitable job hunters to submit applications.

3. Train Interviewers to Identify Cultural Fit. Insightful interviewers can identify potential hires who will work well with your current staff. Create a list of pointed interview questions and review the kinds of answers that fit your company culture best. Remember, however, that hiring for cultural fit doesn’t mean to hire those with similar backgrounds and life experiences. Doing so can result in a lack of diversity and creativity.