Advancements in technology have provided us with all sorts of innovative new ways to communicate with people. But while these options are convenient and have their pros, they don’t eliminate the need to meet in person from time to time.

Most business professionals believe virtual meetings can’t compete with a face-to-face meeting. In a survey by Forbes, 84 percent of business executives said they preferred face-to-face communication. Another survey by Crown Plaza Hotels and Resorts found that 47 percent believe they lost a contract or client because they didn’t spend enough time in person to develop a relationship. So we know face time matters, but why?

A face-to-face meeting makes it easier for you to build trust, which is essential to any business relationship. An in-person meeting provides the opportunity to learn about each other outside of business, allowing for small talk and, ultimately, trust building. You are able to establish more of a connection with your client, and this personal relationship increases the likelihood that they will remain with your company.

So while it’s not a bad thing to send emails to a client or communicate with them via Skype, don’t completely neglect to spend face time with them. The advantages of meeting your clients for a face-to-face visit cannot be dismissed.