Email blunders can make us look bad, frustrate our clients and co-workers, and cause unnecessary tension in the workplace. Let’s take a look at some of the common mistakes to avoid.

Unhelpful Subject Lines – A relevant, descriptive subject line will help recipients prioritize their messages and make it easier for them to find them in the future.

Grammatical/Spelling Errors – These are careless mistakes that reflect poorly on you, making you look unprofessional. Before hitting ‘send,’ always perform a spell check and proofread your message to look for mistakes a spell check won’t catch.

Reply All – No one likes to receive a reply from every other recipient of an email unless it actually pertains to them. Leave people off of your reply unless it requires their attention.

Ignoring Senders – Ignoring someone is hardly good etiquette, even if you don’t have an answer to their question or inquiry. Always follow up in a reasonable amount of time, even if it’s simply to let them know you’re working on the matter.